Garrowby Hill Via Fareham

Written by Carole Jarman, March 2021 I am a member of Fareham art group in Hampshire and during lockdown we have maintained our enthusiasm for painting by accomplishing various challenges and competitions, organised by our committee, by means of our online website and Facebook page. Our biggest achievement has been our group project which was to create a painting of Garrowby Hill by David Hockney. The painting was chosen by a members vote from a choice of four paintings. I think that this was the favourite due to its vibrant colours, chosen at a time when we were all feeling a little down and despondent due to Covid. Near on fifty member took part in the project whereby each participant painted a small section of the painting in their chosen medium. When completed they were returned to the committee who then pieced them together to form a collage and create one large image measuring 1 meter by 1.5 metres. A lot of work went into enlarging the image and divi...